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For Sale 2024

For pigs sold in past years, click here.

***Three SPRING litters below! (Registered and Unregistered)***


AKKPS 29206 IrishMudd LLC Ru 17

(alias for ref AKKPS 27641 IrishMudd LLC Whakanui 2)

"Little John"


Add this AMAZING *Registered &. Proven Boar* to your farm!


Little John is a nicely built, black & cream boar that is fully registered with the American KuneKune Pig Society. He was born 6/19/22 and sired his first litter at my farm in Fall '23, giving us tank-like piglets with bold colors. He's double wattled, with 10 even teats, and a COI of 2.9797%.

At only 1.5 yrs old, he's got a long career ahead of him. Easy with the ladies and lets piglets jump all over him - he's as mild as they come. 


Offering him for $old


Merida (ginger) x Little John (black & cream) AKKPS 27641 IrishMudd LLC Whakanui 2


ML5 - Gilt - $old

Beautiful and sturdy Tri-Color GILT

No wattles, Teats 6/5

ML6 - Barrow - $old

Stocky Brown and Cream Barrow

2 wattles, Teats 5/6

ML7 - Boar - $old

Confident and flashy Ginger & Black Boar 

0 wattles, Teats 6/6

Nice Breeding Prospect!!!

ML8 - Barrow - $old

Fancy Ginger & Black Barrow 

0 wattles, Teats 6/5

Perfect pet or table pig!!!